Modern Management and Administration Trends in Sports

Among the major factors militating against the development of sports in Nigeria, today is not enough effective management. A lot of solutions are being proffered by concerned and patriotic Nigerians daily to bail us out of the quagmire. One such solution is this text entitled "Modern Trends in Sports Administration and Management".It is published by Dr. Joseph Awoyinfa, a lecturer in the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria; a researcher and educational consultant. I was the individual invited by the writer and the university to examine the book when it had been presented to people on December 4, 2008, in Nigeria.

Based on Awoyinfa, it is just a truism all around the world that sport is now a guide issue that cannot be ignored in various sectors of the economy and spheres of life. The author adds that the text thus has a critical look at topical issues in sports administration and management, dwelling on theories and principles of modern trends in sports administration and management such as leadership, organization, planning, motivation, etc.

The text contains 16 chapters. Chapter one is christened "the thought of sports management".Here, Awoyinfa says management is just a concept that implies different what to different people at different times, thus ultimately causing its multiplicity of definitions. He explains that management has been variously described as an art, a science, a person or people, a discipline, and a process.

This author expatiates that as an art, sports management is about carrying out sports organizational functions and tasks through people; while as a science, sports management is about establishing sports philosophy, laws, theories, principles, processes, and practices. 메이저사이트 an organization, in accordance with him, sports management is defined as a means of fabricating formal structures and an establishment predicated on a mission, objectives, targets, functions, and tasks.

Awoyinfa says as a person or number of people, sports management may refer to the top alone or to all the senior staff, committee, etc.; while as a discipline, management is a subject of study with various subjects and topics. The author illuminates that sports management as an activity is about a systematic way of doing things. Awoyinfa highlights management functions in sports administration as planning, organising, staffing, directing/leading, controlling, coordination, budgeting and evaluation. On whom a sports manager is, this author educates that a sports manager is anyone at any level of sport organisation who directs
the efforts of others towards the achievement of organisational goals sport-wise.

Chapter two relies on the subject matter of evolution and trends of sports management thought. Here, Awoyinfa discloses that the development of thoughts on sports management dates back to the occasions when people first attempted to complete goals by working together in a group. In his words, "There was serious thinking and theorising about managing several years before the dawn of the twentieth (20th) century, which marked the start of modern sports management thought. Major efforts to produce theories and principles of sports management began from the first twentieth (20th) century with the work of Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol. The industrial revolution of the nineteenth (19th) century probably provided the climate because of this very serious theorising."

Awoyinfa adds that considering that the turn of the 20th century, writers on sports management and business theory have been propounding different theories about how to control work and personnel more effectively and effectively. This author educates that the three main schools of management thought are: the classical; the human-behavioural; and the integrative. Awoyinfa also highlights early sports management theorists; principles and characteristics of scientific management; appraisal of the scientific management theory, etc., in this chapter.

Chapter three is thematically labelled "principles of sports management" ;.In this chapter, the educational consultant explains that sports principles are the fundamental laws on which the practice of sports management is built. He adds that management principles must therefore be predicated on general terms to allow them to be applicable within sport organisations of varying sizes and character. "Modern sports managers and administrators are expected to manage to identify and use appropriate principles that are highly relevant to particular situations. This is because no single principle can suit all administrative situations," submits Awoyinfa.

He says the fundamental principles of sports are those applicable to all sports organisations and consequently of the general acceptability, they are sometimes called "universal principles of sports management" ;.This author expatiates that some of these principles are: responsibility; delegation of authority and communication. As regards humanitarian principles of sports management, Awoyinfa identifies these as democracy, justice, human relations, sympathy, empathy, consideration and humility.

In chapter four based on the concept of behavioural and motivational theories in sports organisation, the writer says humans are unique creatures while they behave differently under different conditions and are generally difficult to predict. Awoyinfa stresses that since humans constitute the most important element in sports organisation, sports managers need some comprehension of why people behave in one way or another, so that they (sports managers) can influence people to do precisely the way sports organisations find desirable.

One potent instrument this author implies that can be used to elicit performance in athletes is motivation. In his words, "Motivation is something needed in sports organisations to make employees perform.
However, it's been an important and a puzzling subject for sports managers." Awoyinfa further discusses development of motivational concepts in sports organisation; application of motivational theories to sports management; ways of behaviour modification, etc., in this chapter.

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